Injuries could be of different kinds and levels. You may have been suffering from physical injuries caused at your place of work. You could file for compensation with the assistance of a personal injury attorney. However, not all would be lucky to survive such workplace injuries. There may be employees of a company or industry that would have to suffer the wrath of medical conditions or fatal illnesses such as cancer. What options do they have?
If you were an employee under the Department of Energy for a significant length of time and have been diagnosed with an illness or medical condition caused due to exposure to radiation or harmful chemicals, you would be entitled to file a claim to obtain benefits offered by the division of energy employees occupational illness compensation .
If you were diagnosed with cancer or fatal illness covered under the EEOICPA, you would be eligible to file for benefits offered by the EEOICPA. The federal government had started to program to compensate the employees of the Department of Energy who have suffered grave illnesses and medical conditions covered by the EEOICPA during their employment.
There have been several criteria stipulated to become eligible for the benefits provided under EEOICPA. The program has been specifically designed for employees of the Department of Energy during the cold war. Any employee of the DOE, while working in any of the 300+ sites of the Department of Energy being diagnosed with illnesses covered by the EEOICPA would be eligible for free healthcare benefits offered by the federal government.
However, you would be required to provide adequate proof of your employment under the Department of Energy along with the illness diagnosed to be covered by the EEOICPA. These would be essential conditions to fulfill by the employee to seek free healthcare benefits offered by the EEOICPA.