Archives post
Impact of Religion during Addiction Recovery
Clare Louise
Sep 19, 2018
The role of spirituality in a detox program is an ongoing debate. Some specialists feel that addicts are perfectly fine with a 12-step program. Others feel that by...
Top 5 Health Insurance Policies in India
Carol Gilmore
Sep 18, 2018
We cannot really deny the importance of health insurance. It is also important to know that health insurance comes in varied patterns and the policyholder can choose...
How is Vaporizing Healthier Than Smoking Marijuana?
Bill Richardson
Sep 17, 2018
Smoking marijuana is an expensive habit. If someone goes on smoking weeds he might be going to spend more than he had earned. Regular smoking of marijuana can cause...
Guide on How to Pay a Luxury Drug Rehab’s Cost
Sep 11, 2018
Joining an inpatient program at a luxury drug rehab can be costly. This prompt one to think how they are going to pay for the rehab cost. Before you contact your...